The Hexagon Project 2 Grand Planet Airship Company Inc.Fla.

Home/Air Boy Tibet Inc.1995/2008
March 25th 2016 Year of the red fire monkey!
March 23rd 2016 Year of the ( RED) Fire Monkey! Ok so cool we are Publishing!
March 24th 2016 thursday Thor's day in old Saxon! Year of the Red fire Monkey!
March 22nd 2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey! Full Moon!
March 21st 2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey Monday Moon's Day A/C-XB-21( North American)!
March 19th this week end spring equanox (meaning equal day's) A/C co-n-dex Douglas XB-19
OK so cool we are publishing! March 17th 2016 Year of the Red Rire Monkey!
Tuesday-Chooseday March 15th 2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey!
March 13th 2016 Sunday Suns day in old Saxon! Monday is Moons day in old Saxon!
March 12th Saturday night! 2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey! clocks change tonight for some people!
Saturday morning! March 12th 2016! Year of the Red Fire Monkey!
Well if you Remember December 7 1941 You may be suprise to know in Tokyo it was December the 8th !
listening to the song" March for no reason" In the court of the Crimson King! March 11th 2016(FRI)
March 9th March 10th Wedesday Thursday 2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey!
March 9th 2016 Full Dark Moon Year of the Red Fire Monkey! Hump Day!
March 8th the number 8 is the most reverant number in astrology because it has to do W/reincarnation
Pretty soon the IDS of March will be here! March 7th 8th 2016 Monday Moon's day Tuesday chooseday!
March 5th and 6th 2016! year of the Red Fire Monkey!
March 1st-4th 2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey! A/C codex North American Rockwell(Boeing)B-1 Lancer
February 28th-29th 2016 Leap year a short month what does this do to our codex!
February 27th 2016 A/C codex code D0-27 and C-27 Balenka Air bus!
February 26th 2016 Friday Year of the Red Fire Monkey A/C codex B-26 A-26 P-26!
Feb 25th 2016 thursday Thor'sday! A/c codex North American B-25 Mitchell!
February 24th 2016 A/C codex Consolidated B-24 first flight 29 Dec 1939!
Tuesday choose day February 23rd 2016 A/C codex Douglas B-23 Dragon first flight July 27th 1939!
Mon 22nd 2016 A/C code V-22 Osprey helo-airplane $69 million ea!Tecno-military-complex!
February 21st 2016 Year of the Red fire Monkey! codex Nieuport 21 WW1(Dassault British code name WW2
Feb 19th-20th Friday Saturday 2016 Year of the Red fire monkey!
February 18th A/C codex Douglas B-18 Bolo Thursday thor's Day!
Feb 16th &17th Tuesday Wednesday Year of the Red Fire Monkey!
12th 13th 14th 15th February 2016 Year of the fire monkey! Fri-Sat-Sun President's day Mon!
Are we at ZULU named for the Peaple of the Stars or letter Z in communications Feb 12th-13th 2016!
February 11th 2016! Year of the Red Monkey! code Consolidated PT-11 f/flight Feb 1931! Thor's day!
Feb 10th 2016 Year of the Red fire monkey! A/C code Martin B-10 first flight 16 Feb 1932!
February 9th 2016! Boeings 727 aircraft first flight Feb 9th 1963!
Feb 9th/16-Tuesday-Choose Day Year of the Red Fire Monkey 39th day of Yr 326 days left in the year!
February 8th 2016 Asteroid 2013 ( the year it was discovered 2013),TX68 makes close pass in Mar 2016
Feb 7th Sunday Sun's day sunday is usually the 7th day of the week
Feb 6th 2016 Year of the wooden sheep A/C code F6F Hellcat--- A6M2 Zero---T-6 Texan!
February 4th& 5th Thursday and Friday Year of the wooden sheep the week end start!
February 4th, Thursday( Thor's Day in old Saxon) 2016 A/C codex code Tu-4 "Bull" aircraft NATO name)
February 2nd 2016 Year of the wooden sheep! Tuesday chooseday!
February 3rd 2016 Wednesday Hump Day Year of the wooden sheep! 5 days until year of the fire monkey!
February the 1st 2016 Monday Moon's day next week the chinese new year February the 8th!
January 30th 2016! Saturday Saturns-day Saturn has 11 moon's
January 31st 2016 Year of the wooden sheep! Sunday Sun's day in old saxon!
January 29th Friday Year of the wooden sheep!
Year of the Dragon 1940! A/C codex code Curtiss P-40 Warhawk
Title chapter's in the investigation! January 27th & 28th 2016!
Thurs 1/28/16 of the wooden sheep! Chinese new year 2/8/16 of the fire monkey Monday moons day!
Wednesday Hump Day January 27th 2016 Year of the Wooden Sheep! moon cycle orbit every 27 days!
January 26th 2016 Year of the wooden Sheep! (Tibet) A/C code P-26 B-26 A-26 (all metal airplanes)!
Monday Moon's day January 25th 2016 Year of the wooden sheep!
January 22nd -23rd-24th 2016 year of the wooden sheep!
January 21st -22nd 2016! The missing epilog!
Interlude to deduction an epolog referance Year of the wooden sheep Year of the Fire Monkey!
January 20th 2016 Tinkers birthday Year of the wooden sheep! A/C code A-20 Havoc (Douglas)!
Jan 19th 2016! Year of the wooden sheep! A/C code Fairchild PT-19
Sun'sday Moon'sday Jan 17th-18th 2016 A/C codex Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, Douglas B-18 Bolo!
saturn's day 16th of Jan 2016 A/C codex code PT-16 PT-22(Ryan)!
Fri-Sat Jan15th&16th 2016 5 days away from Little Tinkers 65th birthday!
January 14th and 15th 2016 Thursday Friday!
January 13th Wednesday 2016 Year of the wooden sheep! Year of the fire Monkey 8 Feb 2016!
January 12th 2016 Tuesday choose day state of the Union Wed the 13th Hump day
Jan 11th 2016 Monday Moon's day A/C codex OV-1 Mohawk!
January 11th 2016 Monday Moon's day A/C codex OV-1 Mohawk
Jan 10th 2016 Sunday Full dark Moon! template code codex BF-110 Destroyer in english
January 9th 2016 Saturday Saturn's day Saturn has 11 moon's
January 8th 2016 Friday A/C codex code Boeing P-8 Poseidon Tu-Pe-8 (Soviet)!
January the 7th 2016! Thursday Excerpts from Tinkers introduction Buddism! Chinese New Year 2/8/16
Wednesday January 6th 2916! A/C codex code F6F Hellcat Grumman
Tuesday Choose day January the 5th 2016 A/C codex code PBY-5 Catalina and L-5 Sentenal!
January 3rd 2016 Year of the wooden sheep! sun's day,"Beware of the Hun in the sun"?
January 4th 2016! Monday Moon's day A/C codex code Tu-4 NATO code name "Bull"!
Jan 2nd 2016 Saturday Saturns day A/C codex code a A-6 2M Zero first flight 1 April 1939!
January 1st 2016 A/C codex code Template Cessna O1 Birddog Y2K pr0blem1/1/2000!
December 31st 2015 A/C Codex Code Mig-31Year of the wooden Sheep!
December 29th 2015! Our link month template code A/C Boeing B-29-TU-4 Tupolev
December 28th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! A/C codex North American XB-28 Dragon moon's day!
December 30th 2015! JU-52 aircraft codex code!
December 27th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! There are 27 days in Lunar cycle!
Friday Dec -25th 2015 Full moon A/C codex North American B-25 Mitchell developed from XB-21!
Dec 26th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! codex codex A/C B-26 Maruarder A-26 Invader!
Douglas B-23 Dragon first Flight July 27th 1939!
December 24th 2015 A/C codex template Consolidated B-24 Liberator (LB-30)first flight Dec 29th 1939
Monday Moon's day December 21st 2015 21 wins in black Jack every time!
Dec 22nd-23rd 2015 Year of the wooden sheep!Winter solistice shortest day of year Tuesday/chooseday!
Holy cow! look at this dec 20th sun's day A-20 Havoc! DB-7 export name!
Saturday Saturns day in old saxon A/C codex Fairchild PT-19 Dec 19th 2015
Friday December 18th A/C codex Douglas B-18 Bolo cost about $50,000 U.S. dollars 1935!
Dec 16th &17th 2015 A/C codex code Ryan PT-16 and Boeing B-17 flying fortress&PT-17( Stearman)
Dec 14th 15th 2015 Moons day Tuesday Choose day A/C code Martin B-14 Boeing XB-15&X-15 rocketplane
Dec 10th-12th 2015 A/C codex Martin B-10 bomber!
Dec13th Sunday Sun's day 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! A/C codex Vultee BT-13& BT-15 Valient!
Wednesday Hump Day A/C codex F9F Grumman Panther F9F Cougar
Tuesday chooseday Dec 8th 2015 A/C codex P-8 Posiedon ( Boeing)
The week end of aircraft-spaceship design that lands & takes off from a runway!
Monday moon's day in old Saxon December 7th 2015 A/C codex F7F Tigercat!
Sunday Sun's day Dec 6th 2015 A/C codex code Grumman F6F-Hellcat!
Saturday Dec 5th 2015! A/C codex code PBY-5 Catalina (Consolidated)F/F-28 March1935!
Sunday Nov 29th-Dec 4th 2015 link A/C Day! Year of the wooden sheep! Sun's Day in old Saxon!
Friday November the 27th year of the wooden sheep! 2015!
Saturday Saturns Day in Old Saxon November 28th 2015! Year of the wooden Sheep!( Tibet)!
Thursday Thors day Nov 11th 2015! A/C code Martin B-26 Mauarder
Wednesday ( Hump day) Nov 25th 2015 A/c Codex code North American B-25 Mitchell!
Tuesday Chooseday Nov, 24th 2015 A/C codex code is Consolidated B-24 Liberator also known as LB-30!
Sunday Sun's day November 22nd 2015! A/C codex code V-22 Osprey and XB-22 developed into B-23 Dragon
Nov 18thwed 19ththurs 20th 21stSat 2015 A/C Codex Douglas A-20 Havoc ( Friday)
Monday Moons day Tuesday chooseday Nov 16th-17th 2015!
Sun's Day Sunday Year of the wooden sheep!11/15/2015 subject:SPIES!
Saturn's Day Saturday11/14/2015 the day we like to talk about airplanes&spaceships!
12th and 13th of November 2015 Year of the wooden Sheep! A/C codex Martin B-12 Vultee BT-13 Fri13th
November the thirteenth 2015 "Friday the 13th" Year of the wooden sheep!
the 11th month the 11th day the 11th hour WW1 ended in 1918!
Nov 7th 8th 9th 2015 Saturday Sunday Monday A/C code F7F Tigercat F8F Bearcat F9F Panther F9F Cougar
November 4th and 5th 6th 2015 Wed-Thurs-Fri Year of the wooden Sheep!
Nov 2nd 1947 Howard Hughes Herkules flying boat makes one and only short hop!
Saturday Saturns day October 31st 2015 Year of the wooden Sheep (Tibet)!
October 31st-November 2nd 2015 Year of the wooden Sheep! Full moon, asteroid 318,000 miles away!
October 29th-30th and 31st Boeing B-29 bomber 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Nov TU-4
October 28th-29th 2015 Picture of Claudius Dornier and D0-28
Oct 27th-28th 2015 Full Harvest Moon Year of the wooden sheep!
Sunday-Monday Oct 25th-26th 2015 A/C codex North American B-25 Mitchell bomber developed from XB-21
October 22nd 23rd 24th Thursday Friday Saturday 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! V-22 Osprey codex
Oct 22nd Wednesday 2015 Long range German experimental WW2 aircraft!
Oct 20th-21st 2015 A/C codex Douglas A-20 Havoc & North American XB-21!
Oct 19th Monday 2015 A/C Sherman Fairchild's PT-19 connected to the Transistor development!
Oct 18th 2015 A/C code Douglas B-18 Bolo(name of ancient sling shot weapon)Year of the wooden Sheep!
Oct 15th 16th 17th Thurs-Fri- Sat A/C code XB-15, PT16, B-17
Mon moon's day Columbus day Oct 12th-Oct 13th Tues 2015 Year of the wooden Sheep!
A/C Codex Code PT-11 Comsolidated! Year of the wooden Sheep!
October 10th 2015 Saturday Year of the wooden sheep! A/C Code Martin B-10 bomber!
Friday October 9th 2015 A/C codex code F9F Panther (Grumman jet's) F9F Cougar ( Korea era)
October 8th 2015 A/C codex F-8 Bearcat Grumman ! Year of the wooden sheep!
10/ 7/15 Hump day Oct 7th 1944 Helmut Lent was killed flying JU-88 crashed into powerlines at night!
Black female aviator Bessie Coleman died in crash 1926 Jacksonville Florida!
Pretty soon there will be 87 days left in 2015 so we put a picture of the JU 87 Stuka dive bomber!
October 6th Tuesday-choose day 2015 Year of the Wooden Sheep!
October the 5th 2015 Monday Moon's day A/C code Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina! Flying Boat!
Year of the wooden Sheep! October 4th 2015 Sun's Day Sunday!
October the 3rd Saturday (Saturns day) 2015! Year of the Wooden sheep! (Tibet)
Tibetian Buddisum :Understanding what the Divine Power of Absolute Doubt mite mean!
OK its tues-choose day Sept 28th 2015 and look its codex for the Boeing B-29-TU-4 Link month!
Ok so cool we are publishing! It is Sunday Sun's day in old Saxon & there is a tettrad Lunar eclipse
Sept 24th 25th 26th Consolidated B-24 North American B-25 Martin B-26 Year of the Wooden Sheep! 2015
The other day there were 110 days left in 2015 A/C codex BF-110 Destroyer(Zerstorer)
Sunday-Monday Suns day moons day Sept 20th-21st A/C code A-20 Havoc XB-21(dragon program)
Sept 16th-19th 2015 Wed Thurs Fri Sat A/C codex PT-16 Pt-17 Boeing B-17 Douglas B-18 Bolo PT-19!
Wednesday Hump Day 15th of September 2015 A/C codex Boeing XB-15 North American X-15 rocket plane!
Monday Tuesday Sept14th-15th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep!
Sept12th13th Jewish holyday Lunar eclipse Sept 27th 2015 Saturday-Sunday
September 10th 2015 September 11th 2015 Thurs-Friday! Year of the Wooden Sheep!
September 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 2015 aircraft codex Grumman F-8 Bearcat F9F Panther F9F Cougar
Sept 6th 7th 2015 (6+7=13) Sept 7th Labor day Sept 13th Rosh Hashana!
September 4th-5th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! A/C codex Saturn 5 moon rocket J-4 Jenny (Curtis)
Wednesday "Hump daySeptember2-3-2015 also Thursday Thor's day Year of the wooden sheep( Tibet)!
September 1st 2015 Tuesday chooseday German army invaded Poland Sept 1st 1939! Starting WW2!
Saturday the day we like to talk about airplane's and spaceship's!
Saturday Saturns day in Saxon Aug 29th-A/C code B-29-TU-4-Sun-Aug-30th Mon-Aug 31st 2015
August 28th 2015 A/C code XB-28 Dragon North American Dornier DO-28 Year of the wooden sheep! Friday
Thursday Thors-day August 27th 2015 A/C codex Dornier DO-27(Germany) Russian SU-27
Wednesday August 26th 2015 Hump Day A/C codex code Martin B-26, Douglas A-26 Invader P-26 Peashooter
Tuesday choose day August 25th A/C codex code North American B-25 Mitchell
Monday Moon's day August 24th 2015 A/C codex code Consolidated B-24 Liberator!
August 22nd-23rd Saturday-Sunday 2015 A/C codex Consolidated B-32 Dominator Year of the wooden sheep
August 21st 2015 Friday A/C codex code North American XB-21! 21 wins in Black Jack every time!
August 20th Thursday Thor's day 2015 A/C codex A-20 Havoc Douglas
Wednesday "Hump Day" August 19th A/C Code Fairchild PT-19!
Tuesday choose day August 18th 2015 A/C codex Douglas B-18 Bolo!
August 14th through 17th 2015 Are the week ends numbered? A/C codex Boeing B-17, PT-17,PT-16
AUGUST 13TH-15th 2015 THURS-FRI-SAT THOR'SDAY A/C codex Vultee BT-13 BT-15 Valiant
August 12th 2015 Wednesday earlier this week136 days(left in year A/C codex) Convair B-36 Peacemaker
August 11th 2015 Tues-day choose day! A/C code Consolidated Fleet PT-11!
August 10th 2015 A/C codexcode Martin B-10 Bomber North American OV-10 Bronco
August 9th Sunday 2015 ( Sun's day (Saxon) A/C codex F9F Grumman Panther F9F Cougar (Grumman)!
August 8th 2015 Saturday Saturns Day! A/C codex code Grumman F8F Bearcat! Boeing P-8 Posiedon!
August 7th F7F Tiger cat Twin engine Grumman navy fighter plane WW2 Korea codex! 2015
August 6th Grumman F6F Hellcat A/C codex code Year of the wooden Sheep!2015
July 5th 2015 Wednesday Hump Day! A/C Codex code Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina!
an epilog into the Known and Unknown August 4th 2015! Year of the wooden Sheep! (Tibet) Tuesday
August 4th 2015 Year of the wooden Horse! A/C code TU-4 (Soviet) reversed engineered B-29 Link month
Lets look at the link month A/C codex code for July September June outside of the business quarter!
August 1st-2nd-3rd 2015 Saturday-Sunday-Monday B-1 bomber B-2 bomber P-3 Orion maritime patrol A/C
July 31st-August 2nd 2015 Full Blue moon Year of the Wooden Sheep! ( Tibet)
July 29th Wednesday ( Hump Day) Year of the Wooden Sheep! Meteor shower to-night ( Aquarian)
July 28th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep!
July 27th Monday 2015 (Moon's Day (Saxon) A/C codex code Do-27 (Dornier)
July 26th 2015 Sunday (Suns-Day)
July 25th 2015 Saturn;s Day
July 23rd-24th 2015 A/C codex code Douglas B-23 Dragon&Consolidated B-24 Liberator!
Wednesday Hump Day! subject:"Bone of Contention" The "Hump was also flying Himalaya's area WW2!
Tuesday "Chooseday" July 21 2015 A/C codex code North American XB-21!
July 20th 2015 Moon's day Monday A/C codex Douglas A-20 Havoc July 20th 1969 Apollo moonlanding
July 16th Thurs- July 17th 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! Thor's day in old saxon!
July19th 2015 A/C codex code PT-19 Fairchild Fairchild semi-conductor's invention " Transistor"!
Mon (Moon's day)July-13th July-14th 2015 Tuesday13+14=27 27 day's in Lunar cycle!Wed-15th Hump day!
July 7th 8th 9th,10th,13th 2015! codex DB-7, P-8 Posiedon(new), F9F Panther F9F Cougar Jets ( Korea)
June 21st 2015 Year of the wooden sheep! sun's day (Saxon) 21 wins in black jack every time!
June 28th 2015 Sunday! Sun's day old addittged" Beware of the Hun in the sun", Monday Moons-day 29th
June 30th 2015 - July 4th Independnce Day! July 5th! A/C codex TU-4 "Bull"(1947) Password Protected?
June 17th 2015 Wednesday A/C codex code Boeing B-17!
June 10th 2015 Wednsday! in 1947-48 Bell rocket plane breaks sound barrier in level flight!
6/13/15---6/14/15 = 27//Sat-Sun// 27 lunar day's in moons orbit! 6/31st-2nd quarter of bus-year
May 31st 2015-June 3rd 2015 sun-mon tue wed sun's day moons day( Saxon) Year of the wooden sheep!
June 4th-5th-6th 2015 Full moon this week intel services are experiencing information overload!
G-7 world econ summit this week (Germany) last weekend 71st anniv of D-day Invasion France 6/6/1944
May 27th-28th 2015 May 27th 1940 Year of the Dragon Bismark battleship scuttled south of England!
"Up on the tight wire, one side's ice and the other fire" Line from a song by Leon Russell!
May 11th-16th 2015 Year of the wooden Sheep! Ok so cool we are publishing!
Week end of the anniversary of the Fall of Siagon April 1975 (2015) full moon Monday May 4th!
bomber number name Link date Boeing B-29 and reversed engineered TU-4 NATO code Bull! 29th-4th
April 17th-20th 2015 Boeing B-17,Douglas B-18 Bolo, PT-19-Fairchild, A-20 Havoc Douglas
Apr 8th-12th 2015 a/c codexcode F8 Grumman Bearcat F9F Grumman Panther&; F9F Cougar,
Moon's Day (Saxon) April 13th 2015 A/C codex Junker's F-13
April 7th 2015 Tuesday Choose day Year of the Wooden sheep! A/C F7F Tigercat (Grumman)
Easter weak end! April 2nd-April-6th "Hoppin down the Bunny trail
Friday March 27th last week Fri-March 20th week before that Fri March 13th 2015!
March 19th 2015 I'm Late I'm Late for a very important Date! line of a song from alice in Wonderland
March 7th 2015-March 16th( Friday the 13th of March 2015), 2015 Year of the Sheep!
Ok so cool we are publishing! INTERLUDE February 19th-24th 2015 Year of the Wooden Sheep ( Tibet)!
Good Morning! (it is Ch(i)nese New Year of the Wooden sheep (Tibet)
Monday Morning March 2nd-6th Friday 2015 Year of the Wooden Sheep (Tibet)
Friday the Thirteenth&Fourteenth of February(2015) equals13+14= 27!Sunday is the 15th!
Jan 20th Tinker's birthday 1951 Last reported Tibetean rainbow death passing 1951 year of the Hair!
Jan 25th-Feb 4th 2015 North American Aviation& Fokker Aircraft Co defunct Mar 15th 1996!
Feb 3rd- Feb 12th 2015 Full Moon&Snow Moon& Lockheed P-3 Orion & JN-4 Jenny (WW1)
Spaceship (robot) exploring asteroid belt area Named "Dawn" uses electric-Ion engine!
Dec 29th-30th 31st 2014 Mon,(Moons day) Tues-Wed Boeing B-29-Tu-4 and B-24&LB-30
The weak end of things Dec 31st 2014-Jan 3rd and 4th-8th 2015
13+14=27!Dec14th-22nd 2014 Saturn's Day Sun's Day Moon's Day (Saxon)
Sat Dec 27th 28th 2014 Saturn's Day Saturn has 11 moons! and Sun's day the 28th!
Dec 23rd 2014 B-23 Dragon Dec 24th B-24 Liberator Dec 25th B-25 Mitchell Dec 26th B-26 Murader A-26
Thus Dec 11th-13th/14 Thors day codexcode PT-11 ( Consolidated) 1931-32 two place biplane trainer!
Tuesday Choose day Dec 9th-10th 2014 Aircraft code Grumman F9F Panther F9F Cougar(Korea-jet)
Sun Dec 7th 2014 Year of the horse! Sun's day (Saxon)Mon12/8/14 Moons day!
December 4th-6th 2014 year of the horse! Thurs A/C Codex TU-4 Bull Soviet copy B-29 FF 1947!
Nov the 27th 2014-Nov 28th-Dec 2nd a/c codex code Do-27 Do-28 ( Dornier)
December 3rd 2014 December 2nd Nepoleon became Leader of France in 1804 Code Nepoleon
Wed-Thurs-Fri 19th 20th 21st A/C codex PT19,A-20 Havoc XB-21later to be North American B-25 Mitchell
November 22nd-23rd-24th Sat Sun Mon 2014 Year of the Horse!
Nov15th-18th 2014 Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues! Year of the Horse!
A/C codex code Boeing P-8 Posidon Saturns Day 11/8/14 Grumman F9F Cougar F9FPanther11/9/14 Sun's Day
Nov 10th Moon's day Mon A/C code Martin B-10 Model123 Nov 11th-14th Tues-Wed-Thurs PT-11 B-12 BT-13
Nov 5th-7th 2014 Guy Hawks Day(always remember and never forget Nov the 5th)Tinker's Dad's birthday
Nov 3rd 2014 Moon's day A/C codex Lockheed P-3 Orion Nov 4th 2014 TU- 4"Bull"
10/23rd-year of the Horse! Holloween 10/31st- All Souls Day- November 1st-2nd B-1 B-2 bomber codex !
October 14th -18th 2014 Year of the wooden Horse! Martin B-14 and Martin A-15 airplane codex!
sun's day Oct 19th Fairchild PT-19 Oct 20th moon's day A-20 Havoc DB-7 2014 Year of the horse!
October 23rd 2014 year of the horse! A/C codex for today is the Douglas B-23 Dragon!
Oct 12th 2014 Sun's Day Oct 13th Moon's Day October 14th St. Martin's Day
After the blood moon of October 9th 2014 Year of the Horse!2+7=9 The Fokker Aircraft Company!No.27!
10/7/1944 Helmut Lent's Ju88 crashes into power line's WW2 Wed 9/8/2014 2nd total lunar eclipse of14
Sept 29 (B-29 reversed engineered TU-4) Oct 4th 2014 link month designation codex
Sept 25th 2014 Thor's Day Sat is Sept 27th a varient of the T-6 Texan was the A-27
Sept 19th-21st Fri-Sat-Sun Mon-Tues 22nd-24th Sept 2014 year of the Horse!
Sun-Mon 14th15th Sun's Day-Moon's Day Year of the wooden Horse (Tibet)2014
Sept 16th 17th 18th 2014 A/C codex PT-16 PT-17- B-17(F/Fortress)-B-18 (Bolo)
Sept 10th-13th 2014 A/C Codex Martin B-10 OV-10 Bronco(North American) PT-11 Consolidated Fleet
Sept, 5th-9th 2014 Fri-Sat-Sun EST Year of the Horse A/C code Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina!
Aug 26th 27th 28th 29th 2014 Martin B-26 Douglas A-26-DO-27-SU-Mig 27 aircraft
Aug 22nd Thor's Day-Aug 25th Moon's Day(Saxon) Year of the Horse 2014
Aug 17th-18th-19th-21st Sun's Day Moon's day Saint Martin's Day 2014 year of the Horse!
Aug 11th-12-16th 2014 A/C codex PT-11 first flew 1931-1932 only 41 built for Coast Guard/ Army Air!
Aug 8th Fri-Aug10th Sun Full Moon A/C code Boeing P-8 Posidon(jet) Pe-8 Soviet WW2 bomber 4-engine!
August 4th-7th 2014 Year of the wooden Horse(Tibet) WW1 started on this date in 1914
July 29th-Aug 3rd Tues Choose day last days of Ramadan Islamic holy days! Boeing B-29 superfortress
July25th-26th Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon July 27th-28th 2014 A/C codex B-25 B-26 A-26 P-26
July 19th-24th 2014 Sat the day we like to talk about airplanes&spaceship's
45 years ago this past weekend NASA landed on the moon! 20July1969 A/C code A-20 Havoc (Douglas)
July 17th-18th 2014 Thursday thor's day A/C codex PT-17 B-17 C-17 aircraft! year of the horse!
July 9th 2014 A/C template codex F9F Grumman Panther straight wing&F9F Cougar slant wing jets(Korea)
July 8th 2014 Year of the Horse the No.8 is the holiest number in astrology! P-8 Poseidon $201-$270m
July 5th-7th 2014 PBY-5 Catalina Patrol bomber March 1935!Grumman F6F Hellcat!
July 3rd-4th 2014 Thursday A/C codex P-3 Orion (Lockheed) first flight Nov 1959!
June 29th- 2nd July B-29 (Boeing) superfortress North American Rockwell B-1 Lancer varible geometry
Friday June 27th Saturday June 28th 2014 A/C code North American(T-6) A-27 FF 1 April 1935
6/23-24-25-26/2014 A/C code B-23/B-24/B-25/ B-26/A-26/P-26/year of the Horse!
June 20th 2014 Year of the horse China wooden horse Tibet (2141) A-20 Havoc a/c code!
June 21st-22nd 2014 A/C codex XB-21(North American) XB-22 (Douglas) V-22 Osprey(Bell Boeing)
June 18th-19th 2014 Wednesday B-18 Bolo (Douglas) A/C code FF April 1935!
6/16-6/17 Monday Moons day(Saxon) A/C code Ryan PT16-22 Stearman(Boeing) PT17
6/12-6/15 Friday the 13th super full moon 2014 Year of the wooden Horse (Tibet) date night in U.S.!
6/7-6/8 2014 year of the Horse A/C template code F7F Grumman) Tigercat!
June 9th 2014 A/C codex F9F Panther Grumman &F9F Cougar (Pilatus) PC-9-T-6 Texan II (Beechcraft)
June 10th-11th 2014 Year of the Horse A/C code Martin B-10 and Cosolidated PT-11!
June 3rd-4th 2014 A/C codex P-3 Orion (Lockheed) anti-submarine a/c JN4 Jenny (Cutiss) trainer
June 5th 6th 2014 Year of the Horse A/C codex PBY-5 Catalina FF 28 March 1935 & F6F Hellcat
May 27th-28th-29th-30th 2014 A/C A-27 Do-27 XB-28 B-29 LB-30
May 31st-June 2nd 2014 Saturn's Day A/C code MIG (Mikoyan) 31& Rockwell (Boeing) B-1 Lancer
May 23rd-24th 2014 aircraft template Douglas B-23 Dragon Consolidated B-24Lliberator
May 25th-26th 2014 Tuesday this week the 27th A/C code B-25 P-26 B-26 A-26
May 21st-22nd 2014 Year of the Horse A/C codex XB-21 & XB-22 " The Dragon's" FF-X-21 Dec.22nd1936
Saturday (Saturn's Day-Saxon) May 17th 2014 Year of the Horse airplane template today is Boeing B-17
May 19th-20th 2014 airplane /template today Douglas A-20 Havoc also known as the Boston!
May 6th 7th 8th 2014 Tues-Wednesday-Thurs Year of the Horse!
May 9th- May 11th 2014 Year of the Horse F9F Panther (Grumman) Consolidated Fleet PT-11(1931)
May 5th 2014 year of the Horse also Cinco de Mayo Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina A/C template Monday!
April 30th-May 4th 2014 May 1st"May Day" Labor celebration's in large part of world!
April 25th Friday-28th Monday Tuesday 29th airplane template B-29 Boeing Super Fortress 2014!
April 24th 2014 Airplane B-24 Liberator (Consolidated) first Flight Dec 29th 1939
April 9th-10th F9F-Panther ( Grumman) Martin B-10 bomber first flight 16 Feb 1932
April 11th-13th-16th Palm Sunday 2014 A/C PT-11 (Consolidated) Martin B-12&B-13 Vultee BT-13
Apr-7th-8th 2014 aircraft today F7F-Tigercat (Grumman) P-8 Poseidon (Boeing)
Template T-6 Texan& T-6 Texan 2 Mars and Earth in oposition Monday the 7th Israeli group M-7?
April 2nd 3rd-4th 5th 2014 the week of April Fools Day or (April fish day) Year of the Horse!
March 29th 2014 The day we like to talk about airplanes and spaceships Saturday Year of the Horse!
March 31st Monday Moons Day-(Saxon)-Des Martin Day April 1st Tues chooseday 2014 Year of the Horse!
Mar 25th-28th 2014 Tues chooseday (Des Martin Day (Saxon) A/C template B-25 Mitchell North American_
March 17th-19th-20th-21st-23rd Last day of Winter first day of Spring 2014 Year of the Horse!
Mar10th-Mon-Mar15th16th Sat Sun Tibetan Year(2141) of the Wooden Horse 2014!
Saturday(Saturn's day) March 1st 2014(storm TITAN) Titan is a moon of Saturn! Monday (Moon's Day)!
Holy cow! the Nina & Pinta are here in Stuart Fla. & it is Stuart's 100th anniversary!
Feb 19th-20th-21st 2014 Wed-Thurs-Fri aircraft today Fairchild PT-19, Douglas A-20 Havoc, X-21(B-25)
Feb 22nd-23rd 24th 2014 Year of the Horse! XB-22 V-22 B-23 B-24 airplane template 22nd until Mon
February 13th-18th 2014 Monday Feb 17th President's Day (Moon's Day(Saxon)
Feb 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 2014 Sat's airplane Boeing P-8 Posiden F-8 Bearcat (Grumman)
Tuesday Feb 4th 2014 5th-6th-7th Wed-Thurs-Fri year of the Horse!
This week as we look from the previous weak(week)end 2/2/14-2/7/2014 ! PV2-7 Neptune Patrol bomber!
Jan. 30th 2014 Thursday year of the Snake! 31st 2014 Friday year of the Green Horse!
airplane template B-25 B-26 A-26 P-26 Jan 25th 26th 27th Sat Sun Monday!
Jan 20th 2014 Year of the Snake-Year of the Horse Chinese New Year Jan 31st 2014
January 21st,22nd, 23rd, 24th, 2014 Tues ( Des Martin Day Saxon) XB-21(North American)U-21 and UH-21
Jan17th-18th Fri-Sat 2014 in between year of the Snake and Horse! Chinese New Year date depending!
Jan 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th F8F Bearcat(Grumman) P-8 Posiden (Boeing) F9F Panther (Grumman)
Jan 3rd-Jan 6th 2014 Fri Sat Sun Mon! P-3 Orion, TU-4, PBY-5 Catalina
Dec 31st-Jan 1st 2013 Year of the Snake! Tues( Des Martin Day)Wednesday 2014
To-day is the 27th Dec Friday Kepler's birthday in1571 showed the planets were in an eliptical orbit
Christmas eve 2013 year of the Snake! the lituergy of the Star's they call xmas in Budapest Hungry
Dec 22nd 23rd 24th XB-22(Douglas)B-23 Dragon (Douglas) B-24 Liberator ( Consolidated) 2013 !
Dec18th-21st 2013 Wed-Sat (B-18 Bolo) (PT-13) (A-20 Havoc) XB-21 aircraft
December 16th Monday (Moons day) 2013 Year of the Snake!
Dec 13th Friday 2013 asteroid Apophis flies below satelite's & earth on April 13th Friday 2029
Dec 10th-11th-12th 2013 Tues-Wed-Thurs aircraft today B-10 (Martin) OV-10(North American) Bronco
Dec 8th 2013 Sunday 72 years since Pearl Harbor attack the Snake years A/C P-8 Poseidon F-8 Bearcat
December the 9th 2013 year of the Snake! aircraft today F9FPanther a Korean war navy fighter plane!
Dec 6th-7th Fri-Sat 2013 aircraft Grumman F-6F&F7F Hellcat and Tigercat
Dec 4th 2013 Wednesday airplane TU-4 Soviet reversed engineered B-29 Year of the Snake!
Dec.5th 2013 Thursday(Thor's day)A/C template PBY-5 (Consolidated) Catalina 1st flight March1935!
November the 26th-27th 2013 Tue-Wed the 28th is Thursday. Thankgiving and also the start of Hanakka
Dec1st-Dec 2nd 2013! the airplane template is the B-1 Lancer! B-2 Spirit Stealth nuclear bomber's!
November 25th(12+13=25) 2013 500th anniversary Florida Spain Portugal oldest borders in Europe 1213
Nov.20th 2013 Wednesday(Hump Day) airplane today A-20 Havoc! Year of the Snake!
XB-21 XB-22 B-23 Dragon Airplanes today Nov Thurs-Fri-Sat 21st-22nd-23rd 2013 Year of the Snake!
November the 24th 2013 Year of the Snake! A/C B-24 Liberator Consolidated first flight Dec-29th 1939
Nov15th-16th-17th-18thFri-Sat-Sun-Mon template XB-15 A-15 X-15 BT-15 B-17 B-18 Year of the Snake!
Nov.10th-11th 2013 Sun-Mon(Sun's day)(Moon's day)B-10 (Martin) PT-11(Consolidated)Nieuport11-WW1
Nov. 7th Thurs, Thor's Day(Saxon) 2013 Year of the Snake less then 50-48 days in rest of 2013!
Nov 8th Friday 2013 Airplane Template today P-8 Posiden (Boeing)( anti-submarine) F-8 Bearcat 1945 !
Nov 3rd-4th-5th 2013 Aircraft template P-3 Orion (the Hunter) Tu-4 bomber(B-29-Tu-4)(PBY-5 Catalina)
Oct 31st 2013! Thursday (Thor's day (Saxon) Holloween Year of the Snake 2012 Year of the Dragon! 13+
Ok so Cool its Monday the 21st-(23rd)(24th)(25th)(26th)Sunday 27th October 2013 Reformation Sunday
Ok so cool we are publishing!October 17th 2013 airplane today Boeing B-17!
Ok so cool we are pulishing! But it is the 19th and it is Saturday and we don't think there'sa B-19
10/10-12/2013 Thurs aircraft today (Martin)B-10 Fri,aircraft today(Consolidated(Fleet) PT-11
Oct 13th&14th 2013 Sun. Sun's day& Mon.Moon's day in Saxon airplane today Vultee BT-13!
Saturday(Saturn's day) a/c template October 5th 2013 Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina flight March 1935
Sunday Oct 6th 2013 year of the Snake! Suns day in Saxon!
Tues chooseday Oct.1 2013 B-1 bomber template name Lancer!Oct 2nd(hump day)Wed, B-2 Spirit
Sept 30th Monday Moon's day(saxon) 2013 airplane template LB-30 (Consolidated B-24 name)
Sept 24th-Sept 29th 2013 airplane template B-24 B-25 & B-26's there were two of them!P-26,XB-28 B-29
Sept. 18th 2013 year of the Snake! airplane B-18 Bolo!(9/20/13 Fri A-20 Havoc!)Sept 21st!
this weekend Sept 20th-Sept 23rd Full moon! Hong Kong hit by Cat 2 typhoon last day of summer!
September 11th 2013 Wednesday (Hump Day) Airplane Consolidated PT-11! 11 wins in crap's every time a
Ok this is Tinker he went out to buy shampoo and Peekatchu the kitty-cat was gone (9/15/2013
September,12th 2013 Year of the Snake! Ok so cool ! We are publishing!
September 10th 2013 Tuesday chooseday Des Martin Day (Saxon)Martin XB-10 B-10 aircraft
Sept.7th 8th 2013 PV-2-7 Neptune- P-8 Posiden Patrol bombers P-8 (jet)
September the 5th 2013 Thursday(Thor's Day) Airplane PBY-5 Consolidated," Catalina".
Aug 27th-Sept 3rd 2013 Year of the Snake! Tues-Wed-Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues
August 23rd 2013 Friday B-23 Dragon Thurs 22nd XB-22 Developmental aircraft for B-23 Sat 24th B-24
B-23 B-24 B-25(Monday) B-26 A-26 P-26 this weekend, last weekend B-17 B-18 Tues Aug.27th 2013
East is least (August 19th -20th year of the Snake 2013)West is best!
August 21st wednesday 2013! 21 wins in Black Jack according to the rules!
August 17th 18th 2013 Year of the Snake last year, year of the Dragon 2012
August the 12th 2013 year of the Snake!Vested interest?August13th 2013
August 14th 15th 2013 year of the Snake or the day before Feast of the Assumtion!
August 10th-11th 2013 Year of the Snake airplane Martin B-10 or XB-10
August 8th-9th 2013 Thurs(Thors Day) year of the Snake! New aircraft called the P-8 Posiden (Boeing)
August 7th 2013 Wednesday Tinker had a funny tummy with all this information comming in this week!
Aug 4th 2013 Sun Mon Aug 5th Template show's the PBY-5 Catalina first flight March 1939
Ok so cool we are publishing it is August 1st 2013 & it is the B-1 bomber called the Lancer
Royal baby born July 22nd 2013 Monday Named George Alexander Louis
July 27th-29th 2013 Sat-Mon the day we like to talk about airplanes and spaceships
July 24th-25th Wed-Thurs B-24 Liberator B-25 Mitchell bomber's WW2
July 22-24 Monday 2013 the XB-22 was developmental designation for B-23 Dragon first flight 7/27/39
July 19th-21st 2013 (Douglas) A-20 Havoc July 19th Anniversary of Allied Bombing of Rome WW2
Tuesday Chooseday July 16th-19th 2013. 14th moon discovered around Planet Neptune!
July 10th -12th 2013 remnants of Chantral storm due in area July13th
July 13th, 2013 from Tinkers airplane template there was a BT-13 Valient(trainer)
2012 year of the Dragon 2013 Year of the Snake B-23 Dragon first flight 27 July 1939(1940) Dragon
July 6th (hexagon is a six sided geometric design) Saturday 2013
July the 4th 2013 Thursday the Russian Tu-4 was a copy of the Boeing B-29
JULY 2nd 2013 on this day in 1900 113 years ago Count Von Zeppelin flew his first airship
June 26th 27th Wed-Thurs 2013 Obama in Air Force One flys to Africa!
Sat-Sun29th-30th June 2013 B-29 Boeing Superfortress dropped atomic bomb on Japan Aug 1945
hey look what Tinker found Antony Armstrong Jones 1st Earl of Snowden!
Monday June 24th 2013 National Quebec Day( Canada)
June 22,2013 Saturday 12:23EST full super moon this weekend!
June 20th 2013 attack bomber called A-20 Havoc used in North Africa WW2
June 18th-19th 2013 Info on LZ127 Graf Zeppellin airplane no.Template
Monday(Moons Day)June 17th 2013 a bit of business new's!
June 16th Father's Day 2013 Sunday! B-23 Dragon's 1st flight 7/27/1939
June 5th 2013D-day was June 6th 1944 and on January 24th 1963b-52 Crash in Maine
June 6th through the 13th-14th (2013 Moons Day) Sweden Neutral
May 29th 2013On this day 81years ago veterans march on WashD.C demanding bonus payment for WW1
May 27th 2013 Monday (Moon's Day)1:11 AM EST Tinker and Peekatchu the cat reporting
May25th-26th2013 The two B-26's and the B-25 bomber's on template chart
May 22-24 2013 the XB-22 became the B-23 Dragon flight on July 27th 1939
Ok its five /12/2013 and cool we are publishing! 5/18/2013
May 7th-10th 2013 steamship Lusitania torpedoed 98 years ago today!
May 1st-5th 2013 May Day winter storm ACHILLES comming in!
April 29th 2013 B-29 bomber was built by Boeing Russian copy called TU-4
Ok its the 25th of April the B-25 was named after Billy Mitchell a guy who was court martialed
Saturday 27th of April 2013 (Saturn's Day)!April 29th 38years ago Fall of Siagon!
April 24th Wednesday 2013 the B-24 Liberator bomber was built by a company called Consolidated!
April 22nd 2013 Earth day 112th day of the year Monday Moon's day
Ok so cool! It is April 17th 2013 and we are Pulishing!
Saturn April 20th-21st web cast on rain from Saturns rings fall onto northern hemisphere
Winter storm XERXES comming in! 4/14/2013! reason for winterstorm name updates? costlyness reported
April 11th 2013 Ok so cool we are publishing but it is thor's day and today they launched Apollo 13
Ok April the 9th-10th 2013 Winter storm WALDA comming in major temp drop!
April 5th-7th 2013 Ponzi scams the goverment and American Greed show on CNBC
April 1st-4th 2013(APRIL FOOL'S Day)Started when they changed the date of New Year!
3/30/2013 Holy Saturday the day we like to talk about airplanes & spaceships!
Winter Storm VIRGIL moving In! Punxsvtawney Phill Indited for Fraud reported early Spring! 3/29/2013
Hang on to your Hat!1927 Russian spaceship exposition with 1927 copyright book on nuclear spaceship
Winter Storm UKKO spring equinox(equal night) 3/20-3/21 2013
March 16th 2013 Obama visits Argonne National Labratories in Chicago!
this Saint Patrick's Day was or is little Tinkerbell's mom and dad's wedding anniversary!3/17/2013
Heavy surf in Florida from SATURN STORM-Storm TRITON moving in!
Winter storm Saturn moving in(moons day)Saturn has eleven moons!
another asteroid is reported on the TV-NORAD evacuated this week because of suspicious packages!
February 24th-26th -27th 28th 2013 Winter storm "Rocky" comming in!
February22-23rd Friday Saturday 2013 Storm"Q",(ice storm&snow)
February 21st Thursday 8 weeks ago was December 21st end of Mayan calander!
February 17th 18th(insert Feb 21st), Winter storm PLATO(moving out)
Feb 18th-21st 2013 Winter storm"Q" moving in! Asteroid tracking...
February 17th 2013 (sun's day)1200 people injured ........ in Russia
Feb 15th 2013 Obama comes to Florida to play114th round of golf as Da-14 asteroid passes earth!
Feb 10th-13th 2013 NEMO moving out Winter storm ORKO
Feburary 13th 2013 Anniversary of bombing of Dresden 138000 dead!
February 6th 7th 8th 9th Winter Storm NEMO! Grand Planet....Inc
Moon's day Feb 4th 5th 2013! Is the moon in the 7th house?
Feb 2nd -3rd 2013 Asteroid 2012 DA-14 close Pass Feb 15th 2013 Big!Battle of Stalingrad70 years ago
100 years ago today Grand Central Terminal opened Feb 1st 1913 NY City!
Jan 30th 31st 2013 Wednesday Winter storm MAGNUS (tornadoes)
Jan 28th 29th(Moons day)2013 Grand Planet Airship Company Inc
January 26th-27th 2013 "Wolf moon", Winter storm LUNA
January 23rd 24th 2013 Wednesday Tinker and Peekie reporting!
January 17th 18th 19th 20th 2013 Thurs Fri Sat Sun Storm IAGO !
January 21st 2013 Monday moon's day & 22nd Tuesday!
Storm GANDOLF Friday the 11th&12th-13th-14th of Jan 2013
Jan 8th Tue ----Jan 9th Wed---Jan 10th Thurs---Jan 11th Fri 2013
Friday the 4th 2013 Comet named TSON to make pass 2013 !
December 29th-December 30th 2012 Saturn's Day Sun's day
Dec 26th 2012--Dec 27th====Dec 28th 2012 Weds-Thurs -Fri
December 25th Christmas Day 2012 Winter Storm EUCLID
Dec 24th "Holy Moon's Day" 2012 Christmas Eve!
Dec 21st-23rd!Grand Planet Airship Co. Inc.Winter storm DRACO
December 20th 2012 (Thor's Day) Thursday,(Dies Jovis) !
Sun Dec 16th 2012 1st day of jewish holiday one week ago!
Dec 18th 19th 2012 (Dies Martis--Dies Mercurii) Tues- Weds
World War 2 night & day air war Europe N/Africa! Tink ! Grand Planet......Inc.
Thursday Dec 13th 2012.Winter storm CEASAR!
Pearl Harbor Day& first day of Jewish holiday all this week end!
Insert Dec 11th 2012(it is Dec 3rd 4th 5th 2012 we are publishing!)
Ok so cool we are publishing Nov 30th Dec,1st& Dec 2nd 2012!
November 24th 25th 26th 2012 Sat-Sun-Mon! Tink and Peekie!
Friday 16th 2012 update 19th, 17th anniversary of Sadats OK........
Nov 12.13,14th 2012mon/tues/Wed (Channel Hangers)Tink!
November the 8th(9th) 2012 Ok so cool we are publishing!
November the 7th 2012 Lent died October 7th 1944! Tink! in JU88
November the 3rd & 4th 2012 Saturday Sunday the weekend!
November the first through November the second!Soon the third
Ok so cool we are publishing and its October 18th,19th,20th 2012
October 31st 3:34AM Wednesday hump-day Tinkers home!
Saturday October the 13th 2012!
The business channel on day after day what tinker has learned!
October the 2nd and 3rd 2012 !
September the 27th-30th 2012 Ok so cool we are publishing!
Ok so cool! its the 21st of September Friday!-Monday Sept 24th!
Cool we are publishing on the 12th and Thurs is the 13th Fri 14th
Saturday 15th of September Saturday when we like to talk about....
Sat the 15th 2012 to Friday the 21st 2012 the truth paragraphs
September the 12th 2012 Ok so cool we are publishing!Grand Planet Airship Company!
September 1st 2012 Landing gear componant(shim const) idea
August 25th-31st 2912 Grand Planet Airship Company Inc. Monday is the 27th 2012
The boom doom gloom senerio August 16th 17th 18th-23rd 2012 Tinker Johnson
from a log time ago until now where are we as we see the date on party night as august 18th 2012
August 7th-8th-9th 2012 Tue Wed Thur Grand Planet Airship Company Inc.
August 6th 2012-Grand Planet Airship Company Inc.
July 30th-31st-Aug5th 2012 Mon-Tues-Wed-Thur-Fri-Sat-Sun/Grand Planet Airship Company Inc.
July 28th 2012 Ok well this is what we learned about the 27th and those number 27 cigarettes
Ok not so cool it is July 25th and we think our apartment has been entered!
Ok so cool we are publishing on July 23rd 2012 They landed on the moon in 1969 on this date!
Ok so cool! we are publishing it is July 10th 2012 Tuesday
6/6/2012 Wednesday D-Day to Monday 6/11/2012- Tues 6/13/2012
June 1st 2012 info on economy and other stuff as we have a hurt arm from bike accident
May 19th 2012 to May 21st talk about airplanes& and spaceships Sunday the 20th
Some doodle sheets as we work closer to configeration May 19th/20th
May 6th Sunday 2012 Supermoon Tinker counting & establishing his knowlege about money Monday the 7th
April the 27th 2012 Tinker Johnson/an update May 2nd 2012 baseballstory
April the 28th 29th Tinker Johnson
Some information on the Titantic which sank in 1912 April 14th 15th
how wow the bow wow! Observation relation day before May the first
a Table of contents in a explanation to the chaos in these blogs! Tinker Johnson
Table of contents got deleted by mistake Wendy is back&website paid
April 8th Easter Sunday 8 is the holiest number in astrology!
picture page test 2/22/2012 Air Boy Tibet 2012
Chinese Lunar New Year is today and Tinkers birthday/1/20/12
The Big Think! Air Boy Tibet January 20th 2012 year of Dragon
Cars Computers Cats and Children and the CIA.& the canadates!
Whats happening in our county in South florida! from Tink and my friend Warren Bendix
Island of Samoia in Pacific will go to bed on Thurs wake up Saturday morn12/29/11
Was Kim Jon IL of North Korea known as Rocket man in some circles?
Asteroid was and is being watched what happened to little tinker was there an asteroid plan?
Dec 11th-15th 2011 watching the international business news on TV
November the 21st twenty- one wins in Black Jack every time!
Black Friday cyber Monday weekend Black Friday also name of Depression stock Market crash 1929
Oct.26th 27th 28th 29th -31st we are going to talk about the Dreamliner
insert above 10/!12 2011 (9/17/2011) Christafer Robin giant airplane spaceship!
September 14th 2011 airplanes & spaceships!
46% of the U.S. Congress are millionaires! 9/21 2011=10/17/2011
October 11th 2011 Attacks and violence about Coptic Christians in Egypt excelerating
September 14th 2011 Christafer Robin spaceship named after boy in Winnie the Poo
8/13/2011 a few beginning renderings of the spaceport idea in eastern Iowa
The we think when tink's thinks about aviation General (6/11/2011)
6/18/2011 views of Udets Platform&channel hanger & runways
6/18/2011 some views of Udets Platform & over lay of flight idea&channel hanger
understanding three and two bladed propellers PICS doodle
Some doodle sheets Christafer (little debbie) Robin PICS
17April 2011 Sunday morning Udets Platform at work(Pics)
denotes related to the hexagon projects EMERGENCY PLAN
drawings of Christafer Robin &Udets Platform (Me 509-type wing)
04/23/ Little Debbie Tinks sweetheart's family had picture of grandma on Al Capone's lap!
A spacesport in Blue Grass Iowa a giant airfield in the cornfields
04/23/11In the 1950'sU.S.Army almost invaded Sicily again! Remeber Hister thought to be real alien
Veitnam and the Twilight Zone....the secret of secrets Pictures!
Vietnam the twilight zone continued as we go back from here!
Vietnam1971 & Lamsong 719 Destiny on the Ho CHi Minh Trail
Easter aircrash kills Polish president 70th&71st Anniv of WW2
Holloween weekend Oct 30th/ a look into the secratary office CIA
The Hexagon Project: a history Date October 23rd 2010
Tink's story about Pot, planes, and the border Patrol 1970's
Oct 4th 2010 Christafer Robin/Udets Platform spaceship idea!
The propeller and other cool stuff!
A propeller driven spaceship airplane!!!??? The propeller&stuff
Giant propeller agency manufacture and assembly/An idea?
small propeller repair information (FAA maintenance manual)
electrical system's blue print schematic nouns
Airframe diagrams and repairs / inside look into airframes
Tiny picture of Drune Turbulent aircraft & spec 1973 Air Progress
spaceshipairplane flys forward and backward!!! Weight&balance
Weight and balance #2 thinking big! and looking small
Tail up/ propeller feathered/ rocket ignited/controls locked???!!!
Sum of the things about the Hexagon Project (02/19/11) Tink!
Good witchcraft &and bad which kraft 02/03/11-02/19/11 Tink!
Sum things about the Hexagon project 2 (02/20/11) Tink!
(Sunday Feb 27th 2011) Explantion on important(Saturday 3/5/11)
Monday monday can't trust that day! a song by the momma's, &the Pappa's
Pics from the book "Structures" by J.E. Gordon
Mars and the moon were closest to earth this past week!
Configurations on ME-109 varient aircraft Feb 13th aniv of Dresden
What a trillion dollars look's like! May 16th 2009./June 2009
Subtrafuge in the everglades: a report! update Aug 15th 2009
Powerplant-Pics---corporate spaceport Marshaling yard!
powerplant assessories pic blue prints maint manual
Assembly and overhaul facility Year of the Iron Tiger!
This is a picture of an answer to a vexing problem 2008 Pictures!
Nodam warning October 27th 2008 and now Pic's! Cool huh?!!!!!?
Nov 14th 2008 a look at police and prison.Spaceship idea Pic's
Another look at Udets Platform, Picture's! November 21st 2008
The Big Think! in think or swim.Picture's and first software idea.
Hist/Econ secret notesThanksgiving thru Christmas 2008 picture's!
If mommie's a commie you got to turn her in. John Birch society
"There and Back" a song by Jeff Beck Veitnam 1970 to 71
The Idea behind Tinkerbell's business plan as he incorporated
contruction detail Sport Aircraft (Air Progress) 1973 annual (Pics)
Eclips of the cresent moon.....MONEY? (new pics)!
U.S.Army counter Intelegance-FBI..(Pics)You & Tinks spaceship
You can trust your car to the man that wheres the star! (Pics) F-8
Mid-East Mid-West will this best U.S. Birth star visited! (Pics)
From July 13th,year of rat to March 31st year of Ox (pic's)
The Grand Planet Airship Company & Airboy Tibet Inc.FLA1995
The Spaceship Cult and the Manned Spaceship Cult
underconstruction indexes
Crossover stock ownership - Yoda's
Prototype A The design and build formula!
The guts underconstruction
underconstruction of Prototype A:stepC: The Powerplant
underconstruction: design formula:
underconstruction IPO process
World underconstruction class empire spaceship
R&D underconstruction
Messerschmitt &Air BoyTibet & the Dept of Future Developments
underconstruction private offerings
The Maybus war. the spi from outer space your address & IRS
Just a peek!

Music provided by Clear Soul Productions RADIO




Titantic in April 1912!


Giant Junkers airplane flew a week after the
stock market crash in 1929 in Germany Europe!


This Junkers G-38 first flew in early Nov 1928 the
Stock market crashed here starting the great Depression on October 29 1929 known as," Black Friday"!




this is the area aout eastern Iowa where we have
been thinking about building airfield&manufacturing facility(Occident Center)!




exploring for doodle sonic flight controls reverse
3 axis control at sonic&transonic&lowspeeds

a internal diagram of spaceship-airplane in stages
of design assembly or disasembly Christafer Robin

Visit The Hexagon Project for more information

Christafer Robin interplanetary arplane-spaceship
with landing gear down and gravity pods

This idea shows kinda a FW190 frame referance we
call it the 109190 look at gravity pods instalation

Some type of idea about internal construction
swept internal bi-foil wings/engine mount idea's

insert February24th Ok so cool we are publishing and we lost our harddrive in our old computer what we wanted to talk about is we're kinda consolidatating the area of foundry work manufactureing and assembly of a large Christafer Robin. Here we come to two things in that in its relationship to wheather this thing of ours is possible or just a matter of science fiction  relates to two things first the attachment of large kavalar landing gear struts(baked grafite), to the large airframe and the facility of how the first jets such as the ME-262 operated. First, the landing gear struts are thought to be attached by making the foundations of attachment out of shim like constructions this is alot of little sections of the foundry casting  which mounts the landing gear struts  to the airframe and attaching them into a format for mounting the landing gear. This idea was after Tinker was in the National Guard of Iowa and had to change the shims which mounted the transmission to the powerplant and the drive shaft. In which to take a one to one vertical vibration out of an old B-model Huey. Here we had to entertain mounting a large casting to the airframe and the difficulties associated with that. The shim idea is related to the fact that the spaceship landing gear does not have to operate time and time again as the aircraft is in orbit. The other factor relates to the idea that the first jets engines on the Me-262 had to throttle to cool their turbine blades as the referance to metelalogical  science was not up to par with what was needed to actualy relate to the overhaul specifications at the time. This also relates to the computer flow metered relationship that we find in fuel control  devices of the 1960's and before the computer generation was actualy apon us!This related to what sections of the design relate's to," simple, dum and stupid", technology! insert January 20th -23rd weekend to Monday its the Chinese new year and its the year of the Dragon after having watched Christein Tann from Singapore early Friday morning the first day of Chinese New year and little Tinker's birthday she says that Dragon years in Chinese history is not exactly a good one as the cold war was the absolute pits in tinkers eyemind as along with this was the sexual revolution and crimminal activity and gambling and abductions and war have come across the news sources in title wave fashion We will try and send her an e-mail if we are up on early Monday morning as we noticed that Obamas left handedness has moved American military into the Pacific Asian area just as analyist say the strategic ititiative to fight a two ocean war after 1941 is very much not in the card setup and borders on the possiblity of extreme  apocolipes The movement to try and reinvent manufacturing in the decade of Casino capitalism we notice is about to take shape in trade wars at the cost of indivigual freedoms at the hands of quasi crimminal enthropic related organizations just as we hoped we could use the computer to get the motive international community to help us and become proficent in our spaceship airplane idea and a get rid of the Hex of an asteroid the size that killed the dinasours and have fun doing it ! Here on this page are some doodles of differant configurations to the interplanetary airplane spacship idea  related to the step from emergency asteroid plan to interplanetary manned spaceships that can land and take off from a runway in Occident Central eastern Iowa near little Tinkers home town of Moline in Illiniois where the headquarters of John Deere is located. insert January 15th Sunday 2012 Ok so cool! we got to publish a picture of the reverse flight  and forward flight 3axis contol of the hexagon projects Christafer Robin Ok the TV here late at night is breaking up and intermitenant sometimes and from Tinkers Friend Chloie In Singapore she says they who ever they are, want your spaceship we think they can tell easier then we can so Tinker will try and send them an e-mail If you want to lookat the web page Structures a book Tinker took out of the library you can kinda get an idea about I-box beam flex and aerodynamics as it relates to the design of a monoplane from Anthony' Fokkers D-1 Tinkers Catholic confirmation name is Anthony if your interested!) insert December the 4th Sunday 2011 Ok so cool we are publishing but we are not sure how many people are looking at our web site.Wendy did not pay for our business licence this time of year cause well we think she is a crappen spy too by this time as we try and get my father who 93 his birthday is Nov. the 5th Guy Hawks Day My dad who we call Grand Pa Tinkerbell because all of his grand children call him Grand Pa was in the Army Air Corps in England and Germany in 1945 and married an English girl My and My sisters Mother !Wendy was born in England  and I was born in the United states. It is very fluid and we don't really know  why Wendy is throwing up fences to letting my dad look at the web site It could be  that she is worried about him us or them in this secretive yet transparent interchange to understand more of the mysteries associated with it the asteroid the little spacship company Air Boy Tibet 2011 or the spaceship airplane design. Warren Bendix and I know for sure they can turn you into a spy in a New York minute under circunstances like this and there are plenty of reason for more then that happeining.To explain things to persons that do not have a computer or to explain the idea of building a giant airplane spacship out of a design of the smallest of the WW2 fighterplanes that could go 400mph  and the relationship ideas around mechanical electrical computers and size intercepts relats to other designs such as the physical relationship od how the first jets were operated and controled like the ME 262 which relates to maybe how you would control a giant airplane spaceship with a large experimental engine in it.Tinker Johnson Air Boy Tibet Inc. 1995 /2008/ Air Boy Tibet 2011.Ok so here is a rendering of a large configuration of an airplane interplanetary spaceship with gravity pods that create gravity by turning around the fuselage and creating centrifugal force. As the design came to be, another airplane spaceship one with dual fuselages called Udet's Platform and has a cargo pod in the center of the design between the two fuselages.Carries up gravity pods and photon engines to replace the pulse jets from takeoff and ready the ship in orbit for deep space operation. Differant cargo pods on Udets platform can carry up or down  gravity pods.fuel, supplies, cargo,passengers and crew,and overhauled main accent engine and the changeout between pulse jets and photon engine.
       Designed around the Bf-109 or the Me-109 aircraft of WW2 the smallest of the 400MPH aircraft of the time built by Messershcmitt the idea is not only design a spaceship out of an aircraft design but to build it 5 to ten times larger then the original designed aircraft.Is it possible? With a propeller to take the aircraft off the ground forward the aircraft reverses in flight and ignites an accent rocket engine fueled by fuel tanks in the wings and fuselage blast's its way into orbit and then using the two spacecraft in conjuction with one another(Christafer Robin, Udets Platform), To refuel and attach gravity pods and modify design for the journey to the other planets in the solar system with living facilities for a manned crew! 
         There is a EMERGENCY PLAN and you can look at the page marked emergency plan and see a Christafer Robin without the gravity containers and perhaps you can look at the page,"An answer to a Vexing Problem, an Idea!". and there you can look at how we mite capture a asteroid bigger then an aircraft carrier with a giant net carried up in the cargo pod of "Udets Platform" that spaceship and "Christafer Robin" airplane spaceship move the asteroid after radeavous by vector to the asteroid of both ships in conjunction with one another and move the asteroid to either a crashing into the moon or put in orbit around the moon or direct the asteroid toward the sun.  The reason why we point out the move of the asteroid once captured is it could be a military asset of some consequence and the social macro micro make up of future earth relates very much we think to the travel related agency of the marathon of Crisis such that Angela Merkel of Germany aluded to this week in disussing the european crisis!.
      This past week Cape Canaveral launched a spacship to the planet related in Mythology as the God Of War, Mars, and it had a nuclear do -jobby on it and it was launched right from central Florida
at the same time early in the week we heard on NPR radio that someone stoled the sword from a memorial to Lincoln in Illinois so after some thought Tinker thought somebody sent Abraham Lincoln to Mars the God Of War with out his sword! when you kind of relate to extraterestrial and terrorists in crimminal alighnments against the peacful inhabitants of earth and that have an important mission to deter an asteroid from hitting the earth's population and moving civilization to a higher platform of industry in the 21st century.

Tinkerbells birthday is January 20th
Inauguration Day

 !(Ok so cool  this is an insert dated March 5th Saturday 2011 we've had some changes to the web site you must remember with air boy tibet as it is kind of an apartment in a department and on this date we are starting to call the configurations full name as Air Boy Tibet 2011 Hexagon project:messerschmitt The M would be capitalized but the interlink is either Moline or Stuart Fla we think this will help in a little bit of proper identification of situation due to circumstances) Now remenber if you want to travel a little easier from projecthexagon if your on that website to Hexagonproject you'll see a link at the top of the home page of projecthexagon click on that if you want to go to projecthexagon from hexagonproject at the very last page on the hexagonproject you'see a page titled North by Southeast scroll down and there is a link to projecthexagon it mite be marked hexagonproject2 Tink!   ( Ok so we are keepng our eye on a couple of things remember we are still on our phsycic ride  on a JU-52 from rome to Russia with a Druine Turbulent D  and we found out this morning that the Soviet Unions birthday is December the 30th 1922 )   Ok so in the next few pages you'll see where Pics or Pictures is in the title of the web pages we are just now putting these pictures in about the spaceship airplane giant size and the space port marsheling yard that Tinkerbell envisions in the western Illinois eastern Iowa area near where he grew up.if you notice on your computer that the pictures are fuzzy use the,"zoom" on your computer tool bar to give you a closer look on the hexagon project you can enlarge the pictures by just cliking on it with your mouse but we have had trouble with this feature so its a little differant on project hexagon. On the page," The big think or swim", and "a picture to a vexing problem" and, "another look at Udets Platform", you'll see a Udets Platform with the addition of scram jets we are not sure if this will happen of not but we thought we would incorporate in the rendering what they mite look like.This drawing sketch and rendering of a Christafer Robin with installment of scram jets on a rearward facing sub-wing connected to the circular wing and slightly lower then the main-forward wing. Is a configuration of a prototype that uses scram jets to help it climb to the upper atmosphere and then into orbit.Scram jets are new and we don't know if they will be used in the final design stages of Christafer Robin but Tinkerbell thought he'd put them into this configuration to show you how it mite look. The pulse jets, very large, located on the inside inner( wing root ) of the main wing are for take off and forward flight enhancement when the main propeller powerplant is operating and the vehical is climbing through the air to gain altitude for an air and ingnition launch that hopefully blast's it into orbit. Understanding that the pulse jet was usually operated at low and medium altitudes and was considerably more fuel efficient that a regular jet, (they were  also was very hard to tame and get working right by the German technicians and scientist that actualy did the work in WW2) they had stated to be exactly (" like taming a dragon's tail") and remembering that Pluto(the planet) was 4750 years away from earth traveling at 100 mph never stopping for gas, he (Tinkerbell),convienced Udets Platform to carry up to Christafer Robin photon engines to replace the pulse jets in orbit,the idea is that they will be interchanged in orbit from the pulse engines that got it off the runway, to photon engines for deep space flight operations (Tinkerbell saw that some group, I don't think it was a ngo associated with the Argonne National Labratories. Built and operated an experimental vehical powerplant designed around the photon concept, that had succesfully operated for several thousand hours) , changeing the engines from pulse jet to photon engines with the help of the service transatmospheric orbiter, dual fuselage,(" Udets Plateform")  in orbit, from the pulse jets that were used to help get the heavy weighted TransAtmosphereic-Interplanertary spaceship aircraft, off the runway,(is a major design concept break through and Tinkerbell left some of this redundent explanation to show you why and what is the important part of the idea plan of the space progam), as a whole,"Occident Central",an area known as the Quad Cities of Iowa and Illiniois that has flat farm feilds around and situated atop some of the bluffs that surround the Mississippi river. It is where,(in Tinkerbells minds eye) the vehicals will be built and take off from and in to orbit and readied for deep space missions that even having chemical rocket operation, will have to use gravitational planetology, physics and the operation of the photon engines, for hundreds of hours maybe even thousands of hours in extreme deep cold dark space to reach the outer planets and Pluto. While enroute to these far away planetary bodys there will be limited overhaul maintenance capabilities. This then brought Tinkerbell into trying to think of the differant logistical operations for the Udets Platform ( the trans atmospheric service orbiter), that has two fuselages and two giant propeller powerplants and a ring-wing in the center where the two fuselages meet on one wing,there is a cargo pod), ( to carry cargo, fuel, and passengers to refuel and ready the machine,(Christafer Robin), for deep space missions and bring things like the main ascent engine and pulse jets down to earth for maintenance and overhaul.This while the main vehical,"Christafer Robin is circling the earth in orbit.They the" Udet's Platform" vehicals, are generaly thought of, as,(smaller then), Christafer Robin",and  because they have two fuselages have more fuel capability and under the fuselages,( each one of the fuselages) you can have giant the main ascent rocket engines that can carry the extra load of the cargo pod,(and differant  designed cargor pods for differant cargo loads), into orbit to service the larger main ship "Christafer Robin" remember is thought to be the ,"Udet"s Plateform" vehicals are a little smaller,but carry up these specalized cargo containers between its dual fuselages. The place where the gravity containers are located in the cargo pod in the center of Udets Platform  have heat sheilding  for the transit down to earth as well as up to orbit.when they are readied  to be affixed for long range missions on"Christafer Robin",(remember "However"), that this version of Christafer Robin is concepted to be more of an advanced varient and the vehicals that go up to attempt to retreve astoriod 1950-DA may not be fitted with the gravity containers ( as I call them ) but we had to describe the facility for the benefits that would enhance all of mankinds position from a disposition of absolute death and tragic circumstances to more sure born dispositon of contol of its destiny, and a foothold (not just a peek tease), into and on to the final frontier). The main accent engine has to be carried back to the surface for overhaul and by doing this operation alone you can put more into the design, a little bit there, is a little more some where else that you can excentuate the design ( if the main ascent engine is oversized for the cargo container perhaps the main ascent engine can be built with heat sheilding of its own and attached under the main cargo pod area of Udets platform for its reentry to earth). To give credence to this type of concept not only of the design of each vehical, on a case by case bases,but as a separate section in whole space program scale on the whole, at its location in Occident Central (you can see with a prototype Christafer Robin having a wing span of 1/8th of a mile, it is a big idea ,but actualy I am thinking in the rouphly 1/4 mile wingspan to later on a 5/8 to one full mile wingspan).  Tinkerbells space program as a whole or the type of commodity of design station to each one of the vehicals on a type varient position case by case bases. This wording how ever difficult to relate to, mite give you more of an introspective mental veiw in understanding more to design aircraft consulting and manned spaceship design then just drawing pictures.

      Tinkerbell's spaceship company idea is waiting at this moment to here from the IRS about our tax status, we reincorporated in 2008 but it takes time to get the paper work properly worked out.Air Boy Tibet Incorporated is to start out as a closley held sub-chapter S corporation hopefully with help from Messerschmitt-Blokow-Blohm in Germany.We have had kind of a rouph road to get this far and the business climate according to the latest business news has certinly been better.Although there has not been too much said about this asteroid in close approch to earth in 2029 and the possibilities of it hitting earth in 2036 but privately and publicly we think that it is very important.And with the unhappiness of some of the western countries previous administration and war on terror footing of many countries the economic and petrolium delima of modern society weighs heavy on every type of business to just survive, let alone be new and into a possibly crucial scientific area.Air Boy Tibet Inc hopes to build a foundation for more designing of the Hexagon Project and lay the foundations of building a spaceship Marsheling yard in the Iowa Illinois area mostly Iowa of the country.Holding on to control of 51% of $0.00 par value and getting enouph funding to make a profit and help deal with a world delima is very much what drives little Tinkerbell in his daily activities.

To establish ourselves Air Boy Tibet would like to get to a point to sell retail items such as books and aviation and space and aviation maitenance publications and other related aviation materials much like a Yahoo company as they call them and bring designing a real airplane spaceship into the home of interested indiviguals around the world maybe through some kind of a club organization with dues and tests to establish ones demeaner in the aerospace and aviation industry.The costs of training people for the aviation fields has skyrocketed over the past years and to tell you that comming up with the idea of Christafer Robin and Udets Platform took and awful long time we kinda think that Tinkerbells first wife left him for among other reasons cause she had given up hope on ever accomplishing the task and we have trouble with people that can't get enouph of spaceships and have we think been a party to things which caused Tinkerbell endless heartache and trouble.First our minutes book came up missing and then we were thrown into jail and had trouble actualy telling what happened and our side of the story untill fairly recently.Wheather a crime actually involving spaceship design or some sort of genric crimminal activity some times its hard to distingush between the two as both have their effects on the business world.As an Aviation consultant Tinkerbell thought he was working in secret for he did not let the story out that he was working on a spaceship design to deal with an asteroid problem and it is with this that the story becomes complicated.Never the less we hope to avial these problems and go on to successfully establishing our little spaceship company Air Boy Tibet Inc.

     To begin with the story about the hexagon project is intracate and can be complicated to some degree or another and not understood if you are not a half way desent student of 20th century history in the very least.As we know now Franklin D. Roosevelt during the depression ordered a large telescope to be built to spi a large metorite in close proxemity to earth.At the time it was the largest ever attempted to be built and with the problems of the,"New Deal",the Great Depression, hurricaines and floods and then World War Two.The telescope was not finished and installed on top of Mount Palimar in California until after hostilities of World War Two stopped.As you can see this drama was secretly being played out as well as the drama of World War Two and the depression was happining.Hubble, the first director of the observitory and later became famious with the Hubble telescope was named after him, took the first black and white photographic images through the new telescope,"dubbed the Big Eye",of asteroid 1950DA.Never before veiwed by people so well on planet earth to actualy see a chuck of rock three football feilds in diameter comming at them from outer space.Since the establishment of NASA Tinkerbell thinks the asteroid has been renamed.This Tinkerbell thinks is important too.In the past Tinkerbell new the what about the asteroid 1950DA only that one was close, in the 1960's and 70's 80's 90's and it was like in a dark tunnel with the focus on your being about what you were good at and what you needed to do.Thats the story! a dark secret about the possible extinction of earth and the need to understand what life truly means in a real phisical sense and make cents and what you can do about it, not only for yourself but for the man of men in each and everyone of us girls and boys, and in this mix is the conspiracy of evil and the belief in success and life over it or under it, as we hope to and intend to build and design this giant spaceship and Tinkerbells little spaceship company and the spi from outer space Maybus and his friends and how to deal with them weigh heavy on our mind.

This week there is lots of talk about the right to carrie guns in all sorts of places like in the district of Columbia where it had been illegal thats the place where Washington D.C. is and guns in your car at work and there even talking about it at the little radio station on the community show where one of Tinkerbells friends is a radio personality.Tinkerbell thinks this is poopy stuff, and stinks to try and design and build a spaceship and make money .the programming on the cable television has changed and we are noticing problems in conducting usual business in our calander of affairs.Well as of the relationship of who did what we think that they use guns for the police not to find out about stuff as much as use guns to find out about stuff.Air Boy Tibet Inc.was first formed in 1995 before 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq and Tinkerbell is scared that it mite of been a major cause of the war (his little spaceship company), so Tinkerbell feels he has a right to feel this way and a responsibility to be right as well as that because of that.Tinkerbell Johnson Air Boy Tibet Incorporated June 29th 2008. 

     .Concuspace a more intellegent plan then more bunkers or bunkerbusting bombs and 35 to 50 million dollar fighterplanes in the relationship of the fact that if we are not alone why are we so interested in helping aliens that may have a military agenda to build a flying saucer factory on earth and enslave earth inhabitants and the hands of the likes of Maybus the spi from outerspace 

     The Secrecy Act of 1945.-It ended legally in the years of 1993 or 94 and you could start to see shows on the history channel that explained secret operations and other stuff related to those tantric times.

Our insert dated March 11th,2009 commemerates the 50th aniversary of the Dali Lama's flight to India from the Chinese army in Tibet. The Tibetian goverment in exile has stated publicly that hundreds of thousands of Tibetians have died because of that fact and The Tibetian culture and language have suffered greatly..

        The Buddist temple that Tinkerbell visits from time to time is rasing money to rebuild a monestary in Tibet.Tinkerbell has been trying to get their interest in spaceships as its also the 400th aniversary of the invention of the telescope this week.And as the foundation of Buddist belief in normal and super normal things and their beleif in reincarnation has its foundation in science.

      Below is a metals chart that show which metals are corrosive or not and which ones are less corrosive when we talk about an airplane - transatmospheric - interplanetary spaceship and we break down the three differant catagories of the differant vehicals and design each from each catagorie the discussion is alot about the idea od differant mental construction because of the lack of oxygen in outerspace although there are things like paint or coatings that can be use this metal chart is about aviation related construction out of an FAA manual

     Ok so cool we are pubishing on this web site September 24th 2010 first let me tell you that we had to get a new credit card as for some reason the old one would not work we don't know exactly what the problem was but we got to them and had it issued to be able to publish here just in the nick of time. Perhaps it had something to do with the mine explosion and the oil rig explosion in the gulf which has know been perminently sealed this and the earth quake in Haiti is in our AO as we do send e-mails and have the same resonsibilities as anyone else and to start and run an enterprise business and a web site and pay the taxes required to keep up on our end of the resonsibility required to be sucessful.We now hope to move further in a positive direction but international economics is well on our domestic agenda as we watch the cable TV business reports this morning!

Tinker Johnson Kurt Wm. President/ director Air Boy Tibet Inc Fla 1995 2008 Air Boy Tibet 2010.

corrosion chart for aircraft materials
FAA manual