!(Ok so cool this is an insert dated March 5th Saturday 2011 we've had some
changes to the web site you must remember with air boy tibet as it is kind of an apartment in a department and on this date
we are starting to call the configurations full name as Air Boy Tibet 2011 Hexagon project:messerschmitt The M would be capitalized
but the interlink is either Moline or Stuart Fla we think this will help in a little bit of proper identification of
situation due to circumstances) Now remenber if you want to travel a little easier from projecthexagon if your on that
website to Hexagonproject you'll see a link at the top of the home page of projecthexagon click on that if you want to go
to projecthexagon from hexagonproject at the very last page on the hexagonproject you'see a page titled North by Southeast
scroll down and there is a link to projecthexagon it mite be marked hexagonproject2 Tink! ( Ok so we are
keepng our eye on a couple of things remember we are still on our phsycic ride on a JU-52 from rome to Russia with a
Druine Turbulent D and we found out this morning that the Soviet Unions birthday is December the 30th 1922 ) Ok
so in the next few pages you'll see where Pics or Pictures is in the title of the web pages we are just now putting these
pictures in about the spaceship airplane giant size and the space port marsheling yard that Tinkerbell envisions in the western
Illinois eastern Iowa area near where he grew up.if you notice on your computer that the pictures are fuzzy use the,"zoom"
on your computer tool bar to give you a closer look on the hexagon project you can enlarge the pictures by just cliking on
it with your mouse but we have had trouble with this feature so its a little differant on project hexagon. On the page,"
The big think or swim", and "a picture to a vexing problem" and, "another look at Udets Platform", you'll see a
Udets Platform with the addition of scram jets we are not sure if this will happen of not but we thought we would incorporate
in the rendering what they mite look like.This drawing sketch and rendering of a Christafer Robin with installment of scram
jets on a rearward facing sub-wing connected to the circular wing and slightly lower then the main-forward wing. Is a configuration
of a prototype that uses scram jets to help it climb to the upper atmosphere and then into orbit.Scram jets are new and we
don't know if they will be used in the final design stages of Christafer Robin but Tinkerbell thought he'd put them into this configuration
to show you how it mite look. The pulse jets, very large, located on the inside inner( wing root ) of the main wing are for
take off and forward flight enhancement when the main propeller powerplant is operating and the vehical is climbing through
the air to gain altitude for an air and ingnition launch that hopefully blast's it into orbit. Understanding that the
pulse jet was usually operated at low and medium altitudes and was considerably more fuel efficient that a regular jet, (they
were also was very hard to tame and get working right by the German technicians and scientist that actualy did
the work in WW2) they had stated to be exactly (" like taming a dragon's tail") and remembering that Pluto(the planet)
was 4750 years away from earth traveling at 100 mph never stopping for gas, he (Tinkerbell),convienced Udets Platform
to carry up to Christafer Robin photon engines to replace the pulse jets in orbit,the idea is that they will be
interchanged in orbit from the pulse engines that got it off the runway, to photon engines for deep space flight operations
(Tinkerbell saw that some group, I don't think it was a ngo associated with the Argonne National Labratories. Built and
operated an experimental vehical powerplant designed around the photon concept, that had succesfully operated for several
thousand hours) , changeing the engines from pulse jet to photon engines with the help of the service transatmospheric
orbiter, dual fuselage,(" Udets Plateform") in orbit, from the pulse jets that were used to help get the heavy weighted
TransAtmosphereic-Interplanertary spaceship aircraft, off the runway,(is a major design concept break through and Tinkerbell
left some of this redundent explanation to show you why and what is the important part of the idea plan of the space
progam), as a whole,"Occident Central",an area known as the Quad Cities of Iowa and Illiniois that has flat farm feilds
around and situated atop some of the bluffs that surround the Mississippi river. It is where,(in Tinkerbells minds
eye) the vehicals will be built and take off from and in to orbit and readied for deep space missions that
even having chemical rocket operation, will have to use gravitational planetology, physics and the operation of the photon
engines, for hundreds of hours maybe even thousands of hours in extreme deep cold dark space to reach the outer planets and
Pluto. While enroute to these far away planetary bodys there will be limited overhaul maintenance capabilities.
This then brought Tinkerbell into trying to think of the differant logistical operations for the Udets Platform ( the trans
atmospheric service orbiter), that has two fuselages and two giant propeller powerplants and a ring-wing in the center
where the two fuselages meet on one wing,there is a cargo pod), ( to carry cargo, fuel, and passengers to refuel and
ready the machine,(Christafer Robin), for deep space missions and bring things like the main ascent engine and pulse
jets down to earth for maintenance and overhaul.This while the main vehical,"Christafer Robin is circling the earth in orbit.They
the" Udet's Platform" vehicals, are generaly thought of, as,(smaller then), Christafer Robin",and because they
have two fuselages have more fuel capability and under the fuselages,( each one of the fuselages) you can have
giant the main ascent rocket engines that can carry the extra load of the cargo pod,(and differant designed cargor
pods for differant cargo loads), into orbit to service the larger main ship "Christafer Robin" remember is thought
to be the ,"Udet"s Plateform" vehicals are a little smaller,but carry up these specalized cargo containers between its
dual fuselages. The place where the gravity containers are located in the cargo pod in the center of Udets
Platform have heat sheilding for the transit down to earth as well as up to orbit.when they are readied
to be affixed for long range missions on"Christafer Robin",(remember "However"), that this version of Christafer Robin
is concepted to be more of an advanced varient and the vehicals that go up to attempt to retreve astoriod 1950-DA may not
be fitted with the gravity containers ( as I call them ) but we had to describe the facility for the benefits that would enhance
all of mankinds position from a disposition of absolute death and tragic circumstances to more sure born dispositon of contol
of its destiny, and a foothold (not just a peek tease), into and on to the final frontier). The main accent engine has
to be carried back to the surface for overhaul and by doing this operation alone you can put more into the design, a little
bit there, is a little more some where else that you can excentuate the design ( if the main ascent engine is oversized for
the cargo container perhaps the main ascent engine can be built with heat sheilding of its own and attached under the main
cargo pod area of Udets platform for its reentry to earth). To give credence to this type of concept not only of the
design of each vehical, on a case by case bases,but as a separate section in whole space program scale on the
whole, at its location in Occident Central (you can see with a prototype Christafer Robin having a wing span of 1/8th of a
mile, it is a big idea ,but actualy I am thinking in the rouphly 1/4 mile wingspan to later on a 5/8 to one full
mile wingspan). Tinkerbells space program as a whole or the type of commodity of design station to each one of the vehicals
on a type varient position case by case bases. This wording how ever difficult to relate to, mite give you more of an introspective
mental veiw in understanding more to design aircraft consulting and manned spaceship design then just drawing pictures.
Tinkerbell's spaceship company idea is waiting at
this moment to here from the IRS about our tax status, we reincorporated in 2008 but it takes time to get the paper work properly
worked out.Air Boy Tibet Incorporated is to start out as a closley held sub-chapter S corporation hopefully with help from
Messerschmitt-Blokow-Blohm in Germany.We have had kind of a rouph road to get this far and the business climate according
to the latest business news has certinly been better.Although there has not been too much said about this asteroid in close
approch to earth in 2029 and the possibilities of it hitting earth in 2036 but privately and publicly we think that it is
very important.And with the unhappiness of some of the western countries previous administration and war on terror footing
of many countries the economic and petrolium delima of modern society weighs heavy on every type of business to just survive,
let alone be new and into a possibly crucial scientific area.Air Boy Tibet Inc hopes to build a foundation for more designing
of the Hexagon Project and lay the foundations of building a spaceship Marsheling yard in the Iowa Illinois area mostly Iowa of
the country.Holding on to control of 51% of $0.00 par value and getting enouph funding to make a profit and help deal
with a world delima is very much what drives little Tinkerbell in his daily activities.
To establish ourselves Air Boy Tibet would like to get to a point to sell retail
items such as books and aviation and space and aviation maitenance publications and other related aviation materials much
like a Yahoo company as they call them and bring designing a real airplane spaceship into the home of interested indiviguals
around the world maybe through some kind of a club organization with dues and tests to establish ones demeaner in the aerospace
and aviation industry.The costs of training people for the aviation fields has skyrocketed over the past years and to tell
you that comming up with the idea of Christafer Robin and Udets Platform took and awful long time we kinda think that
Tinkerbells first wife left him for among other reasons cause she had given up hope on ever accomplishing the task and we
have trouble with people that can't get enouph of spaceships and have we think been a party to things which caused Tinkerbell
endless heartache and trouble.First our minutes book came up missing and then we were thrown into jail and had trouble actualy
telling what happened and our side of the story untill fairly recently.Wheather a crime actually involving spaceship design
or some sort of genric crimminal activity some times its hard to distingush between the two as both have their effects on
the business world.As an Aviation consultant Tinkerbell thought he was working in secret for he did not let the story out
that he was working on a spaceship design to deal with an asteroid problem and it is with this that the story becomes complicated.Never
the less we hope to avial these problems and go on to successfully establishing our little spaceship company Air Boy Tibet
To begin with the story about the hexagon project is intracate
and can be complicated to some degree or another and not understood if you are not a half way desent student of 20th century
history in the very least.As we know now Franklin D. Roosevelt during the depression ordered a large telescope to be built
to spi a large metorite in close proxemity to earth.At the time it was the largest ever attempted to be built and with the
problems of the,"New Deal",the Great Depression, hurricaines and floods and then World War Two.The telescope was not finished
and installed on top of Mount Palimar in California until after hostilities of World War Two stopped.As you can see this drama
was secretly being played out as well as the drama of World War Two and the depression was happining.Hubble, the first director
of the observitory and later became famious with the Hubble telescope was named after him, took the first black and white
photographic images through the new telescope,"dubbed the Big Eye",of asteroid 1950DA.Never before veiwed by people so well
on planet earth to actualy see a chuck of rock three football feilds in diameter comming at them from outer space.Since the
establishment of NASA Tinkerbell thinks the asteroid has been renamed.This Tinkerbell thinks is important too.In the past
Tinkerbell new the what about the asteroid 1950DA only that one was close, in the 1960's and 70's 80's 90's and it was like
in a dark tunnel with the focus on your being about what you were good at and what you needed to do.Thats the story! a dark
secret about the possible extinction of earth and the need to understand what life truly means in a real phisical sense
and make cents and what you can do about it, not only for yourself but for the man of men in each and everyone of us
girls and boys, and in this mix is the conspiracy of evil and the belief in success and life over it or under it, as we hope
to and intend to build and design this giant spaceship and Tinkerbells little spaceship company and the spi from outer
space Maybus and his friends and how to deal with them weigh heavy on our mind.
This week there is lots of talk about the right to carrie guns in all sorts of
places like in the district of Columbia where it had been illegal thats the place where Washington D.C. is and guns in your
car at work and there even talking about it at the little radio station on the community show where one of Tinkerbells friends
is a radio personality.Tinkerbell thinks this is poopy stuff, and stinks to try and design and build a spaceship and make
money .the programming on the cable television has changed and we are noticing problems in conducting usual business in our
calander of affairs.Well as of the relationship of who did what we think that they use guns for the police not to find out
about stuff as much as use guns to find out about stuff.Air Boy Tibet Inc.was first formed in 1995 before 9/11 and the invasion
of Iraq and Tinkerbell is scared that it mite of been a major cause of the war (his little spaceship company), so
Tinkerbell feels he has a right to feel this way and a responsibility to be right as well as that because of that.Tinkerbell
Johnson Air Boy Tibet Incorporated June 29th 2008.
.Concuspace a more intellegent plan then more bunkers
or bunkerbusting bombs and 35 to 50 million dollar fighterplanes in the relationship of the fact that if we are not alone
why are we so interested in helping aliens that may have a military agenda to build a flying saucer factory on earth
and enslave earth inhabitants and the hands of the likes of Maybus the spi from outerspace.
The Secrecy Act of 1945.-It ended legally in the years of 1993 or 94 and you could start to see
shows on the history channel that explained secret operations and other stuff related to those tantric times.
Our insert dated March 11th,2009 commemerates the 50th aniversary of the Dali Lama's flight to India from the Chinese army
in Tibet. The Tibetian goverment in exile has stated publicly that hundreds of thousands of Tibetians have died because of
that fact and The Tibetian culture and language have suffered greatly..
The Buddist temple that Tinkerbell visits from time to time is rasing money
to rebuild a monestary in Tibet.Tinkerbell has been trying to get their interest in spaceships as its also the 400th aniversary
of the invention of the telescope this week.And as the foundation of Buddist belief in normal and super normal things and
their beleif in reincarnation has its foundation in science.
Below is a metals chart that show which metals are corrosive or not and which ones are less
corrosive when we talk about an airplane - transatmospheric - interplanetary spaceship and we break down the three differant
catagories of the differant vehicals and design each from each catagorie the discussion is alot about the idea od differant
mental construction because of the lack of oxygen in outerspace although there are things like paint or coatings that can
be use this metal chart is about aviation related construction out of an FAA manual
Ok so cool we are pubishing on this web site September 24th 2010 first let me tell you that we
had to get a new credit card as for some reason the old one would not work we don't know exactly what the problem was but
we got to them and had it issued to be able to publish here just in the nick of time. Perhaps it had something to do with
the mine explosion and the oil rig explosion in the gulf which has know been perminently sealed this and the earth quake in
Haiti is in our AO as we do send e-mails and have the same resonsibilities as anyone else and to start and run an enterprise
business and a web site and pay the taxes required to keep up on our end of the resonsibility required to be sucessful.We
now hope to move further in a positive direction but international economics is well on our domestic agenda as we watch the
cable TV business reports this morning!
Tinker Johnson Kurt Wm. President/ director Air Boy Tibet Inc Fla 1995 2008 Air Boy Tibet 2010.